The mental health landscape within the tech sector


Now, more than ever before, and for good reason, Mental Health is top of agenda when it come...

Now, more than ever before, and for good reason, Mental Health is top of agenda when it comes to thinking about Health and Wellbeing. It goes without saying that employers should put their workforceโ€™s mental health at the top of their priority lists, as we all know that poor mental health is one of the biggest causes of absence from work.

But what does the picture look like in the tech sector?

Statistics published by the British Interactive Media Association in their Tech Inclusivity & Diversity Report 2019 suggest that mental health in the tech sector is currently in a dire state, going as far as saying itโ€™s reaching crisis point. The report found that 52% of tech workers have suffered from anxiety or depression at some point. It also revealed that people working in tech are five times more depressed that the UK average, which is staggering.

All employers, not just those within the tech sector, need to promote an environment of openness, trust and understanding when it comes to mental health, especially as evidence shows that for many the root cause is as a result of pressures within the workplace.

Of course, there are many reasons why creating an environment where people feel valued and supported benefits employers (beyond being the right thing to do); increased staff retention, loyalty, productivity, are naming a few. As well as building their employer reputation as a far-sighted company that cares for its staff in and out of work.

Mental health is more important now than ever before, is it on your agenda?