CV Tips for the Technology Sector


A CV is often the first impression you give to a potential employer or recruiter. The tech m...

A CV is often the first impression you give to a potential employer or recruiter. The tech market is highly competitive, and a well put together CV can help you stand out and is vital for getting to the next stage in your job-hunting process. Keep reading to find out our tips for developing a strong CV.

  • Be concise and keep it to the point. 

Ideally, a CV shouldn’t be longer than two sides of A4 (although this can depend on your experience). Remember, quality over quantity.

  • Use a consistent layout and presentation.

It is difficult to go wrong using a white background and a professional font.

  • Be relevant and tailor your CV for the role you are applying for.

A CV is a way of showcasing your relevant skills and experience. It is obvious when you are just sending your CV to multiple organisations and not putting thought into each application. So, think about the role and what is relevant to it. Do not list lots of irrelevant information on experience or education that are not related to the role, and prioritise what is.

  • Check thoroughly for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Don’t be caught out by making small spelling and grammar mistakes. It is unprofessional and shows a poor attention to detail. Consider allowing someone else to review your CV and double check for common mistakes.

  • Avoid clichés.

Instead of just writing that you are a ‘team player’ or ‘hardworking’, try and think of examples that showcase this in your work. Show what you have achieved and how effective you were at executing it.

  • Include technology skills.

Make it clear what areas you specialise in, how this is relevant to the job specification and back it up with evidence.

Get in touch with one of our consultants to find out more about jobs in the technology sector.